3 Ways to Show Gratitude This Thanksgiving

November 16, 2018

“I would maintain that thanks are the highest form of thought, and that gratitude is happiness doubled by wonder.”

G. K. Chesterton


Thanksgiving is right around the corner! This is a beautiful day designated to open our hearts up to God in joy, gratitude and praise. All that we have, comes from Him. He is the reason we live and move. What a cause to rejoice!

This Thanksgiving, let us enter into the mystery of God’s generosity, through imitating Him and praising Him in wonder. Here are three ways that we can enter into the mystery of God’s generosity through showing Him gratitude this Thanksgiving! When we show God gratitude we acknowledge all the good He has done for us and we are filled with joy, happiness, and wonder.


1. Begin Your Day In Prayer

Praying a thirty-second morning offering, giving God our joys, works, sufferings, and prayers will transform our entire day. Having specific prayer times throughout the day, helps center our minds and hearts on God and His goodness. Through prayer, we start to see everything as a gift from Him! When we find ourselves straying from the good, or if we find ourselves feeling overwhelmed, prayer is a great way to center us and bring us into God’s presence and be reminded of the good He has for us. Prayer gives our day order, focus, and purpose and is the perfect way to thank God for His goodness and generosity not only on Thanksgiving, but every day!


2. Be Present – Spend Quality Time With Others

We are bombarded with distractions: shopping, entertainment, social media feeds, messages from friends, and thoughts of what “everyone else” is doing. This takes our focus off of God and the people we interact with, and puts it on things: things that encourage instant gratification. This Thanksgiving, be present. Take time to listen. Truly connect with the people that you are with. Giving others your undivided attention and your quality time shows your respect for the dignity of the person. Quality time is a means to love others and to love ourselves, and shows God we are grateful for the gift of the people He has placed in our lives.


3. Share How God Is Working In Your Life

I remember hearing a podcast a few years ago around the holidays and the host said, “Remember not to bring up politics or religion this holiday season!” Hearing this saddened my heart. I know both topics bring up passionate feelings, but I do believe we are meant to witness to the power and love of God that we are experiencing in our life. Do not be afraid to share with your family and friends the miracles God is working in your life! Be a beacon of mercy for your family members around the Thanksgiving table, imitating Christ’s Divine Mercy. The fruit of your witness and love may be instantaneous in someone’s life or it may come to fruition years later, yet words that glorify God always bear good fruit.


We can show our gratitude to God this Thanksgiving through extending His love and mercy to all those we encounter.  Starting our day with prayer, being more present to others and being a witness of God’s love and sharing in the beauty of that love, will point others to Him. These small ways of redirecting our purpose to God, will not only change our hearts, but will transform the lives of everyone around us!


 Claire Couche is a wife, mother, blogger, and beekeeper. Claire graduated from Franciscan University of Steubenville where she studied history and theology. She later received her B.S.N. and worked as an oncology nurse. Combining her love of the faith, the medical field, and ethical fashion, Claire is the creator of Moscati Scrubs, an ethical medical scrubs company inspired by the life and miracles of Saint Giuseppe Moscati. You can learn more Claire here and about Moscati Scrubs here.