A Must Do Before Easter

March 12, 2017

We are well into Lent now and we are getting closer to Easter. What a beautiful time for our souls to be purified as we grow deeper in our relationship with our Lord through sacrifice and service.


Lent is a time for conversion, forgiveness and healing.

During this time, God gives us the chance to acknowledge the ways we have been away from Him and helps us to shift our focus towards Him. What better way to do so than through the Sacrament of Confession. We must take advantage of this free grace that God wants to give us, especially during this Holy time of Lent. 

Reconciliation is a sacrament and the sacraments are given to us by God as ways to help us to grow in holiness on our journey to Heaven.

The Catechism of the Catholic Church states, “Christ’s love is shown in the fact that He seeks the lost and heals. That is why He gave us the sacrament of restoration, in which we are freed from sin and strengthened in our physical and spiritual weaknesses.”  (1420- 1421) 

Going to Confession can be difficult at times and is not always easy. Maybe you have some reservations or fears about Confession. Maybe you haven’t gone in years or maybe you have a hard time letting go. Are you shameful and think that you could never be forgiven? These are all natural human thoughts, but we must not allow them to overpower us and keep us from healing. Surrender it all to God.


Don’t lose hope! You can be forgiven

We have a God who is merciful and all loving, a God who is bigger than all our fears and insecurities. He looks at you with pure delight and love. You are worthy of His mercy and He desires to forgive you and heal your heart.  

Confession is like ripping off a band aid. No one likes to do it and it stings a little no matter how fast or slow you rip it off. But once it is off, the wound is healed. This is us in the confessional. It hurts to bring up all of our past mistakes and tell the Priest our sins, but afterwards we are fully healed of our burdens. Everything we carried before is wiped away and our souls are renewed and made pure. 


We are no longer bound by the chains of sin, but we are made free. 

When you turn from sin and turn towards Christ, something in your heart changes, and it changes for the better. Your soul is reawakened, your eyes are opened to God’s loving embrace, and you are healed.

I encourage you to go to Confession before Easter to cleanse yourself of your sins and allow our Lord to wrap you in His merciful arms. My prayer for you is that you may come to recognize our loving Father through the Sacrament of Confession. 


Lauren Costabile is a Catholic speaker, singer and film creator. She is the social media/ artistic director for Array of Hope as well as a performer in the Array of Hope Concert Event.  She actively spreads the gospel to young people and families through music and witness. She creates inclusive films that educate and raise awareness for those with disabilities, promoting the dignity and value of all life. She loves all things gluten free and strives to use her gifts and talents to spread joy and make our world a brighter place.