Episode #99

March 4, 2024

Jesus Is the Son of God! | The Creed (Pt. 6)

In this episode, we continue to discuss the second article of the Creed: “And in Jesus Christ His only Son our Lord.” David and Mario focus upon what we mean when we profess that Jesus is “the only Son” of the Father. They discuss how the Son of God is eternally begotten of and consubstantial with the Father, and distinguish between being the Son of God by nature vs. being a son of God by adoption. They also discuss how Jesus is fully God and fully man in one Divine Person, and how the Church came to clarify this in response to early heresies about Jesus.

Host: Mario Costabile
Cohost: Dr. David Hajduk

– Sponsors –

Birch Gold – The Precious Metal IRA Specialists. https://birchgold.com/HOPE

Real Estate for Life – Real Estate for Life is a multinational corporation with 1,400 experienced, faith-based agents world-wide to connect you with a Catholic service provider who shares your values. realestateforlife.org

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