Array of hope concert experience

The Array of Hope Concert Experience features powerful musical performances, fellowship, and an exciting multimedia presentations.

The array of hope concert Experience

The Array of Hope Concert Experience is a multi-media experience, sharing the Faith through live musical performances, talks, and personal witnesses, along with high-quality visuals and thought-provoking film presentations. This show journeys through the three Theological Virtues of Faith, Hope, and Love, culminating with the importance of fostering a relationship with Christ through prayer. It is a powerful and transformative experience designed to be a vehicle for the Holy Spirit to inspire all who attend it.

The show’s key themes are the importance of God in the family and the loving support prayer can bring to the spiritual and emotional development of us and our children. This is a perfect family event. It has also been featured during many retreats. The show runs approximately 2 1/2hours with an intermission but can be also modified to 90 minutes without an intermission.

The array of hope concert Experience

The Array of Hope Concert Experience features live musical performances, inspirational talks, and thought-provoking film presentations that joyously provide a counterweight to the negative media surrounding today’s society. 

The show’s key themes are the importance of God in the family and the loving support prayer can bring to the spiritual and emotional development of us and our children. This is a perfect family event. It has also been featured during many retreats. The show runs approximately 2 1/2 hours with an intermission but can be also modified to 90 minutes without an intermission.

"The happiness you are seeking has a name and a face; Jesus of Nazareth.”

- Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI


About the Event

Array of Hope is the perfect event to energize and engage a parish, community, school or organization. Array of Hope can be used to celebrate parish anniversaries, to draw attention to Lent and Advent Seasons as well as Catholic Schools week. Array of Hope is also a great tool for Confirmation Retreats, Youth and Family Events and Fundraisers.

Areas that Array of Hope can perform in:

(In order of preference)

  • Theater
  • High School Auditorium
  • Gymnasium
  • Church Sanctuary

Array of Hope is completely self-contained. We bring our own sound system, screens, and lighting. The only thing we need is a stage, seats, and electricity.

Yes! Array of Hope is completely in-line with the traditional teachings of the Catholic Church.

Many things distinctive to the Catholic Church are revealed throughout the event, such as the Sacraments, The Saints, the Mass and Mary, The Mother of God.

Having Array of Hope as a fundraiser attracts the support of sponsors who will fund the Array of Hope expenses, giving you the opportunity to raise funds through ticket sales. Creating a journal or playbill that is distributed allows businesses and individuals the opportunity to take out ads which creates an enormous opportunity to raise funds. There is a greater chance for sponsorship of The Array of Hope Event as a Fundraiser. Businesses are more inclined to participate when there is a purpose and the fulfillment of a community’s needs are met.

Marketing and Promotion

Of course! We have a complete marketing plan which is located on this web site, equipped with tools to help you promote this event. We will help you put this plan into action.

Typically 8 weeks is enough time to market this event.

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